GLDS History

History of GLDS As history is defined by those who write it, this information is subject to change. On the 8th Day, God said “let there be Dual Sport” and there was and it was good. In the late 60s … Continue reading

About Falling

Falling while riding in sand is inevitable. With enough practice you too can become an accomplished soil sampler. Here’s one of our yahoo’s in action. He had reached a blocked off 2T and attempted a standard turn around. Unfortunately (or … Continue reading

About Tuck n Roll

Falling while riding in sand is inevitable. With enough practice you too can become an accomplished soil sampler. Here’s a professional in action. Note the right side bar clip the tree to throw off his rythym followed by a quick … Continue reading

About Events

Good things to know about our events. Length: Our events are usually a two day affair, almost always on a weekend. You can participate on one or both days, it’s your choice. Location: We stage from either private property, such as a … Continue reading

About Tech Inspection

Let’s make it real simple – Our riding, our places to ride, our events – they are all a privilege that is constantly under threat to be curtailed. We absolutely must strive to be as quiet, as polite, as low-impact … Continue reading

About Route Sheets

Route sheets The Tools of Dual Sporting By John Bunker Much like Enduro riders, Dual Sport riders use route sheets to help them navigate the days’ course, but if you are new to off road riding or dual sports I’ll … Continue reading

Installing Signs

Gary P, active GLDS Member, works to put up new Parking Lot signs for the Geels Trail.   While outside of our ORV Trail Maintenance Grant through the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment, we do strive to do … Continue reading